This is my spin on playing Pokemon on Twitch and Youtube. I wanted something unique to make my content stand out from others online. The basic premise was…

Draw what you catch, draw how they die.

I also draw every Pokemon on a ridiculously short time limit. Each Pokemon is drawn on a timer between 1 and 7 minutes, with a few exceptions.


● You can only catch the first Pokemon you encounter per route

● If a Pokemon dies, it is dead forever and must be put in a death box

● You must nickname every Pokemon

● If you black/white out, you LOSE

● The battle style must be changed to SET

● Static Pokemon are ALLOWED (gifts, trades, static pokemon etc.)

● The Nuzlocke doesn't start until you get Pokeballs

● Dupes Clause: If you already have the Pokemon or a Pokemon in its species, it can be skipped

● Shiny Clause: If you come across a shiny Pokemon, it CAN be caught no matter what

MOXIELOCKE BONUS RULES( Add these bonus rules to create the Moxielocke!)

✨Draw what you catch (/use) (on a time limit)

✨Draw how they die (on a time limit)

Wild encounters and items are RANDOMIZED

Legendary Pokemon cannot be used - however, an attempt must be made to catch and draw them

✨Artlocke Pokedex: If you have already drawn the Pokemon in a previous Artlocke, it must be skipped (this is to eventually create a massive amount of Pokemon drawn (Artlocke Artbook maybe? )

✨Super Pokemon...


A new form exclusive to the Moxielocke Pokemon universe…


Pokemon Nuzlockes are all about the bonds formed between a Pokemon and both their trainer and team. Some Pokemon will grow their entire lives through a Nuzlocke, starting as a level 5 starter, eventually fully evolving and taking on the most powerful trainers in the region.

Pokemon grow friendships with their team mates, and it can be tough to watch them die around you.
Super Pokemon transform due to overwhelming feelings of loss, and the necessity to survive.

Moxie’s Super Feraligatr, Greg, shines a golden yellow, and sparks electricity.


A special Moxieverse form first discovered in the Fire Red Moxielocke. Moxie’s Quilava, Phil, has the ability to Nitro Boost, becoming a Nitro Quilava.

When a Pokemon goes Nitro, certain parts of their body glow an intense pink color, with hints of blue.



We’re gonna try to catch and draw every Pokemon in the Pokedex!